Mothers Day Window...Candoo SignsApr 15, 2021CLIENT: Kiss with StyleBRIEF: Create a stand out window to fit the store brandDESIGN: Candoo SOLUTION: Print and Cut floral design, staymen & text in cut mirror Gold#windowsignage #shopsign #shopsignage #mothersdaysign #mothersdaysignage #mothersday #mothersdayadvertising #mothersdaywindow
CLIENT: Kiss with StyleBRIEF: Create a stand out window to fit the store brandDESIGN: Candoo SOLUTION: Print and Cut floral design, staymen & text in cut mirror Gold#windowsignage #shopsign #shopsignage #mothersdaysign #mothersdaysignage #mothersday #mothersdayadvertising #mothersdaywindow