Your business up in lights!Candoo SignsMay 29, 2023CLIENT: Bobs Kebabs and BurgersJOB: Draw attention to the car park entrance of the takeaway shopSOLUTION: Round lightbox, brilliant at night for attracting business#lightbox #litupsign #lightsign #roundlightbox #roundsign #nightsign #burgers #kebabs #lite #burgersign #kebabsign #lightup #round #candoosigns #advertising #sign #signage
CLIENT: Bobs Kebabs and BurgersJOB: Draw attention to the car park entrance of the takeaway shopSOLUTION: Round lightbox, brilliant at night for attracting business#lightbox #litupsign #lightsign #roundlightbox #roundsign #nightsign #burgers #kebabs #lite #burgersign #kebabsign #lightup #round #candoosigns #advertising #sign #signage